
Published by admin on

You may participate in the church service live or through our streaming online via your phone or ipad/computer. Saturdays at 6 pm and Sundays at 11 am. Please bring your own earbuds.

The translation is given through the app Jitsi Meet.
1.Download JITSI app from AppStore or Google Play.
2. Open JITSI App
3. Turn VIDEO OFF Enter room name PINGSTUMEAENGLISH Join the room. 

OBS! All weeks we offer translation to English log on to Jitsi room: pingstumeaenglish

Some weeks we offer translations to more languages:

  • Tigrinya- pingstumeatigrinya
  • Swahili -pingstumeaswahili
  • Amarinja- pingstumeaamarinja 

4. Make sure your microphone are OFF during the service. Feel free to talk, pray and share life after the service stream is done.
5. Enjoy the meeting!

Categories: På gång