Dear brothers and sisters

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Egypt are passing in very sensitive times in 2020 since the country are facing greet challenges in economic and political.

We are now in big test for our nation especially with the brotherhood organization who still want to stop Egypt from the new direction, they now came to Libya and try to put Egypt in dangerous of fundamental groups. We now praying for wisdom for our leaders and all other countries who involved in that challenge.

We also had Nile problem with Ethiopia and its also big issue for our future as nation, all our churches praying for that challenge too.

Its hard time for our nation needs a lot of prayers and god will send his mercy and strengthen our church. We like all other countries are facing Covid19, we already very crowded country and its not easy to apply social distance, but we are able to handle it until now.

As churches we work to help many families who lost their income and we had many meetings online since we still cannot meet in public. Some of our church members had corona but they got healed and they are back without any harmful. God is good.

Soon we will begin to meet again in our churches, back to normal step by step. Pray for our country we need his merciful hand to touch our nation, our homes -families -youth -children.

We trust his hand it will touch and heal ,he will set us free to worship him again and again. /
DM ministry (En av Pingst Umeås samarbetspartners)

Categories: Medlem